A build system for your blog, guide, cookbook, or any static site.
- Markdown support, including syntax highlighting using tree-sitter.
- Write your own HTML layouts and widgets in Roc, a language inspired by Elm.
- Development preview with code watching and automatic rebuilds.
To get a taste, the configuration below sets up a simple blog.
#!/usr/bin/env roc
app [main] { pf: platform "https://github.com/jwoudenberg/jay/releases/download/0.4.0/jCnKKg_Vu-ho7TbfZIF5CAJIFTl3xCOhMSUO4eTH0JM.tar.br" }
import pf.Pages
import pf.Html
main = Pages.collect [
Pages.ignore ["README.md"],
Pages.files ["assets/*"],
Pages.files ["index.md", "posts/*.md"]
|> Pages.from_markdown
|> Pages.wrap_html layout,
layout = \{ content, meta } ->
Html.html {} [
Html.head {} [
Html.link {
rel: "stylesheet",
href: "/assets/style.css",
} [],
Html.body {} [
Html.h1 {} [Html.text meta.title],