# LLM Prompt for Documentation ## Documentation ### Pages #### Pages **Type Annotation** **Description** Instructions for building the pages of a website. This includes actual pages such as an 'about' page or blog posts, but also assets like pictures and stylesheets. #### bootstrap **Type Annotation** ```roc Pages [Bootstrap] ``` **Description** Helper for generating a first Jay configuration, if you don't have one yet. At the root of the project directory create a build.roc file, with these contents: ``` #!/usr/bin/env roc app [main] { pf: platform "github.com/jwoudenberg/roc-static-site" } import pf.Pages main = Pages.bootstrap ``` Now run the file with `./build.roc`. Jay will rewrite the file with an initial configuration based on the source files in the project directory. #### collect **Type Annotation** ```roc List (Pages a) -> Pages a ``` **Description** Combine rules for different types of pages into one value representing the entire site. Typically sites call this once in the `main` function. ``` main = collect [ Pages.ignore ["README.md"], Pages.files ["assets/*"], ] ``` #### files **Type Annotation** ```roc List Str -> Pages type ``` **Description** Takes a list of patterns, and adds all the source files matching one of the patterns to your site as a page. ``` photos = files ["photos/*.jpg"] ``` Combine `files` with other functions for source files requiring processing: ``` posts = files ["posts/*.md"] |> from_markdown ``` Patterns may contain multiple '*' globs matching part of a filename. '**' globs are not supported. #### ignore **Type Annotation** ```roc List Str -> Pages [Ignored] ``` **Description** Similar to `files`, `ignore` takes a list of patterns. Jay will ignore source files matching these patterns and not generate output files for them. ``` main = Pages.collect [ Pages.files ["assets/*"], Pages.ignore ["README.md", ".git"], ] ``` #### from_markdown **Type Annotation** ```roc Pages [Markdown] -> Pages [Html] ``` **Description** Process markdown source files, converting them to HTML files. ``` posts = files ["posts/*.md"] |> from_markdown ``` This function does not generate any `html` or `body` tags, only the HTML tags for the markdown formatting in the source files. You can use `wrap_html` to define a page layout. ### Frontmatter You can optionally add a frontmatter at the start of your markdown files. ``` { title: "A blog post about Roc", } ``` The frontmatter needs to be a Roc record. Record fields may contain arbitrary Roc values. Check out the documentation for [Raven][1] to see what's supported. ### Syntax Highlighting Jay will add syntax highlighting for fenced code blocks. Jay currently has support for the languages the languages, with more planned. If you need highlight support for a particular language, feel free to create an issue on the Jay Github repo! Syntax highlighting will generate `span` elements in the generated code blocks, which you can style using CSS. You can use [this example code][2] as a starting point. Supported languages: Elm, Roc, Rust, Zig, Nix, Ruby, JSON, Haskell ### Github-Flavored Markdown Support for Github-Flavored Markdown extensions is planned, but not currently implemented. [1]: https://github.com/jwoudenberg/rvn [2]: https://github.com/jwoudenberg/jay/blob/main/examples/blog/static/style.css #### wrap_html **Type Annotation** ```roc Pages [Html], ( { content : Html, path : Str, meta : {}a } => Html) -> Pages [Html] where a implements Decoding ``` **Description** Wrap additional HTML around each of a set of HTML pages. This function is typically used to create page layouts. ``` posts = files ["posts/*.md"] |> from_markdown |> wrap_html layout layout = \{ content, path, meta } -> Html.html {} [ Html.head {} [ Html.title {} [ Html.text meta.title ] ], Html.body {} [ Html.h1 {} [ Html.text meta.title ], content, ] ] ``` `wrap_html` passes a record to the layout function with these fields: - `content`: The original HTML content of the page. Most of the time you will want to include this somewhere in the returned HTML. - `path`: The path at which the current page will be served, for use in `href` attributes. - `meta`: The frontmatter of markdown source files that included one, and `{}` for all other pages. #### list! **Type Annotation** ```roc Str => List { path : Str, meta : {}a } ``` **Description** Get information about all pages matching a pattern. This is intended to be used in combination with `wrap_html` or `replace_html`, for instance to create a navigation element with links to other pages. See the documentation of `wrap_html` for an example of how to use this. #### replace_html **Type Annotation** ```roc Pages [Html], Str, ( { content : Html, attrs : {}attrs, path : Str, meta : {}a } => Html) -> Pages [Html] ``` **Description** Replaces matching HTML tags with generated HTML content. This is typically used to create widgets. Suppose you want to create an index page of your blog, showing all your blog posts. Start by writting a markdown file: ``` # My Blog A list of all my previous posts! ``` We can use `replace_html` to replace the custom `list-of-posts` HTML element with a list of posts. Here's how that would look: ``` home_page = files ["index.md"] |> from_markdown |> replace_html "list-of-posts" list_of_posts! list_of_posts! = \_ -> posts = list! "posts/*" links = List.map posts \post -> Html.li {} [ Html.a { href: post.path } [Html.text post.meta.title], ] Html.ul {} links ``` `replace_html` passes a record to the widget function with these fields: - `content`: The HTML content of the HTML tag that is replaced. - `attrs`: The HTML attributes of the HTML tag that is replaced. - `path`: The path at which the current page will be served, for use in `href` attributes. - `meta`: The frontmatter of markdown source files that included one, and `{}` for all other pages. ### Html #### Html **Type Annotation** #### text **Type Annotation** ```roc Str -> Html ``` #### html **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### base **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, href ? Str, target ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### head **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### link **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, crossorigin ? Str, disabled ? Str, fetchpriority ? Str, href ? Str, hreflang ? Str, imagesizes ? Str, imagesrcset ? Str, integrity ? Str, media ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, rel ? Str, sizes ? Str, type ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### meta **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, charset ? Str, content ? Str, http_equiv ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### style **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, media ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### title **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### body **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, onafterprint ? Str, onbeforeprint ? Str, onbeforeunload ? Str, onhashchange ? Str, onlanguagechange ? Str, onmessage ? Str, onoffline ? Str, ononline ? Str, onpopstate ? Str, onstorage ? Str, onunload ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### address **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### article **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### aside **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### footer **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### header **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h1 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h2 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h3 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h4 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h5 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### h6 **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### hgroup **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### main **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### nav **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### section **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### search **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### blockquote **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### dd **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### div **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### dl **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### dt **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### figcaption **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### figure **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### hr **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### li **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, value ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### menu **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, reversed ? Str, start ? Str, type ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### ol **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### ul **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### p **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### pre **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### a **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, download ? Str, href ? Str, hreflang ? Str, ping ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, rel ? Str, target ? Str, type ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### abbr **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### b **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### bdi **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### bdo **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### br **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### cite **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### code **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### data **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, value ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### dfn **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### em **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### i **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### kbd **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### mark **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### q **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### rp **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### rt **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### ruby **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### s **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### samp **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### small **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### span **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### strong **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### sub **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### sup **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### time **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, datetime ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### u **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### var **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### wbr **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### area **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, alt ? Str, coords ? Str, download ? Str, href ? Str, ping ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, rel ? Str, shape ? Str, target ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### audio **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, autoplay ? Str, controls ? Str, controlslist ? Str, crossorigin ? Str, disableremoteplayback ? Str, loop ? Str, muted ? Str, preload ? Str, src ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### img **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, alt ? Str, crossorigin ? Str, decoding ? Str, elementtiming ? Str, fetchpriority ? Str, height ? Str, ismap ? Str, loading ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, sizes ? Str, src ? Str, srcset ? Str, width ? Str, usemap ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### map **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### track **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, default ? Str, kind ? Str, src ? Str, srclang ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### video **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, autoplay ? Str, controls ? Str, controlslist ? Str, crossorigin ? Str, disablepictureinpicture ? Str, disableremoteplayback ? Str, height ? Str, loop ? Str, muted ? Str, playsinline ? Str, poster ? Str, preload ? Str, src ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### embed **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, height ? Str, src ? Str, type ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### fencedframe **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### iframe **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, allow ? Str, allowfullscreen ? Str, height ? Str, loading ? Str, name ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, sandbox ? Str, src ? Str, srcdoc ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### object **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, height ? Str, name ? Str, type ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### picture **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### portal **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, src ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### source **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, type ? Str, src ? Str, srcset ? Str, sizes ? Str, media ? Str, height ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### svg **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, height ? Str, preserveAspectRatio ? Str, viewBox ? Str, width ? Str, x ? Str, y ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### math **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, display ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### canvas **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, height ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### noscript **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### script **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, async ? Str, crossorigin ? Str, defer ? Str, fetchpriority ? Str, integrity ? Str, nomodule ? Str, referrerpolicy ? Str, src ? Str, type ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### del **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, datetime ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### ins **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, datetime ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### caption **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### col **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### colgroup **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### table **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### tbody **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### td **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, colspan ? Str, headers ? Str, rowspan ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### tfoot **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### th **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, colspan ? Str, headers ? Str, rowspan ? Str, scope ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### thead **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### tr **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### button **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, command ? Str, commandfor ? Str, disabled ? Str, formaction ? Str, formenctype ? Str, formmethod ? Str, formnovalidate ? Str, formtarget ? Str, name ? Str, popovertarget ? Str, popovertargetaction ? Str, type ? Str, value ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### datalist **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### fieldset **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, disabled ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### form **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, accept_charset ? Str, autocomplete ? Str, name ? Str, rel ? Str, action ? Str, enctype ? Str, method ? Str, novalidate ? Str, target ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### input **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, accept ? Str, alt ? Str, autocomplete ? Str, capture ? Str, checked ? Str, dirname ? Str, disabled ? Str, formaction ? Str, formenctype ? Str, formmethod ? Str, formnovalidate ? Str, formtarget ? Str, height ? Str, list ? Str, max ? Str, maxlength ? Str, min ? Str, minlength ? Str, multiple ? Str, name ? Str, pattern ? Str, placeholder ? Str, popovertarget ? Str, popovertargetaction ? Str, readonly ? Str, required ? Str, size ? Str, src ? Str, step ? Str, type ? Str, value ? Str, width ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### label **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, for ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### legend **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### meter **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, value ? Str, min ? Str, max ? Str, low ? Str, high ? Str, optimum ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### optgroup **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, disabled ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### option **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, disabled ? Str, selected ? Str, value ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### output **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, for ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### progress **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, max ? Str, value ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### select **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, autocomplete ? Str, disabled ? Str, multiple ? Str, name ? Str, required ? Str, size ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### textarea **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, autocomplete ? Str, cols ? Str, dirname ? Str, disabled ? Str, maxlength ? Str, minlength ? Str, name ? Str, placeholder ? Str, readonly ? Str, required ? Str, rows ? Str, wrap ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### details **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, open ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### dialog **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, open ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### summary **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### slot **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, name ? Str }, List Html -> Html ``` #### template **Type Annotation** ```roc { accesskey ? Str, autocapitalize ? Str, autofocus ? Str, class ? Str, contenteditable ? Str, dir ? Str, draggable ? Str, onenterkeyhint ? Str, exportparts ? Str, hidden ? Str, id ? Str, inert ? Str, inputmode ? Str, itemid ? Str, itemprop ? Str, itemref ? Str, itemscope ? Str, itemtype ? Str, lang ? Str, nonce ? Str, part ? Str, popover ? Str, role ? Str, spellcheck ? Str, tabindex ? Str, translate ? Str, writingsuggestions ? Str, onabort ? Str, onautocomplete ? Str, onautocompleteerror ? Str, onblur ? Str, oncancel ? Str, oncanplay ? Str, oncanplaythrough ? Str, onchange ? Str, onclick ? Str, onclose ? Str, oncontextmenu ? Str, oncuechange ? Str, ondblclick ? Str, ondrag ? Str, ondragend ? Str, ondragenter ? Str, ondragleave ? Str, ondragover ? Str, ondragstart ? Str, ondrop ? Str, ondurationchange ? Str, onemptied ? Str, onended ? Str, onerror ? Str, onfocus ? Str, oninput ? Str, oninvalid ? Str, onkeydown ? Str, onkeypress ? Str, onkeyup ? Str, onload ? Str, onloadeddata ? Str, onloadedmetadata ? Str, onloadstart ? Str, onmousedown ? Str, onmouseenter ? Str, onmouseleave ? Str, onmousemove ? Str, onmouseout ? Str, onmouseover ? Str, onmouseup ? Str, onmousewheel ? Str, onpause ? Str, onplay ? Str, onplaying ? Str, onprogress ? Str, onratechange ? Str, onreset ? Str, onresize ? Str, onscroll ? Str, onseeked ? Str, onseeking ? Str, onselect ? Str, onshow ? Str, onsort ? Str, onstalled ? Str, onsubmit ? Str, onsuspend ? Str, ontimeupdate ? Str, ontoggle ? Str, onvolumechange ? Str, onwaiting ? Str, aria_autocomplete ? Str, aria_checked ? Str, aria_disabled ? Str, aria_errorMessage ? Str, aria_expanded ? Str, aria_haspopup ? Str, aria_hidden ? Str, aria_invalid ? Str, aria_label ? Str, aria_level ? Str, aria_modal ? Str, aria_multiline ? Str, aria_multiselectable ? Str, aria_orientation ? Str, aria_placeholder ? Str, aria_pressed ? Str, aria_readonly ? Str, aria_required ? Str, aria_selected ? Str, aria_sort ? Str, aria_valuemax ? Str, aria_valuemin ? Str, aria_valuenow ? Str, aria_valuetext ? Str, aria_busy ? Str, aria_live ? Str, aria_relevant ? Str, aria_atomic ? Str, aria_dropeffect ? Str, aria_grabbed ? Str, aria_activedescendant ? Str, aria_colcount ? Str, aria_colindex ? Str, aria_colspan ? Str, aria_controls ? Str, aria_describedby ? Str, aria_description ? Str, aria_details ? Str, aria_flowto ? Str, aria_labelledby ? Str, aria_owns ? Str, aria_posinset ? Str, aria_rowcount ? Str, aria_rowindex ? Str, aria_rowspan ? Str, aria_setsize ? Str, aria_keyshortcuts ? Str, aria_roledescription ? Str, shadowrootmode ? Str, shadowrootclonable ? Str, shadowrootdelegatesfocus ? Str }, List Html -> Html ```