
Building a Blog

To get to know Jay we'll use it to build a simple blog. If you want to follow along then Install Roc and create a directory for your blog.

The directory should contain:

Jay can work with any directory structure, but this part of the guide will assume the above files and directories.

Finally, add a build.roc file to the root of the directory with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env roc
app [main] { pf: platform "https://github.com/jwoudenberg/jay/releases/download/0.5.0/2hou6qBqBlDV6fmDLkjYVmyvxofsVyeO6hlf5VQMqgg.tar.br" }

import pf.Pages

main = Pages.bootstrap

The above file is a script. Run it!

chmod +x build.roc
./build.roc --linker=legacy

Jay will have started in development mode and launched a preview of your blog in your browser. You should see the contents of your index.md file in the browser, albeit without any styling.

Jay also replaced build.roc with a starter configuration that will improve in this part of the guide. Let's look at two bits of code it generated for us:

main = Pages.collect [
    Pages.ignore [],
    Pages.files ["assets/*.css"],
    Pages.files ["posts/*.md", "*.md"]
    |> Pages.from_markdown
    |> Pages.wrap_html layout,

Jay recognized we have an assets directory containing some files that should be included in the site without processing:

main = Pages.collect [
    Pages.files ["assets/*.css"],

Jay also found some MarkDown files that need to be turned into HTML:

main = Pages.collect [
    Pages.files ["posts/*.md", "*.md"]
    |> Pages.from_markdown
    |> Pages.wrap_html layout,

The from_markdown function doesn't automatically add <html/> and <body/> tags around content. For adding a layout around the content we use wrap_html, which is passed a layout function:

layout = \{ content } ->
    Html.html {} [
        Html.head {} [],
        Html.body {} [content],

This function receives a content argument containing the HTML from_markdown generated for a page. We return the full HTML for the page, placing the content somewhere inside. This layout function is very basic and we're going to improve it, but let's first take a closer look at how Jay handles markdown content.