
Custom Colors

Jay uses tree-sitter for syntax highlighting. Many programming language communities have produced tree-sitter grammars for their language, and Jay bundles a number of these. The grammars define what types of highlight groups exist for a language and what they are named.

If a tree-sitter grammar marks a particular word in a code snippet as highlight group foo, then Jay adds a span element around it:

<pre><code data-hl-lang="some-lang">
    ... <span class="hl-foo">word</span> ...

Language grammars are free to define their own highlight groups, but tree-sitter recommends they use a couple of common names where it makes sense. The previous page contained CSS-selectors matching the classes on span elements for those common highlight names. By adding styles to these classes you should get some nice syntax highlighting going for a wide range of languages.

You can customize your colorscheme further by adding styles for language-specific highlight groups. This might require looking at the tree syntax grammar for a specific language. The highlight groups will be defined in the queries/highlights.scm file of such a grammar.

You can also use different color schemes for different languages. To do so, use the data-hl-lang attribute that Jay puts on the <code/> element in your CSS selectors.