
Listing Posts

An important feature missing from our blog is a list of posts. Let's add that!

First, we'll mark the location where we want to render the list of posts using a made up HTML element. For this example we'll use <list-of-posts/> and put it on our index page.

<!-- index.md -->

# My Blog

A list of all my previous posts!


Next we'll change the pipeline for index.md to replace <list-of-posts/> with some other HTML. For this we can use the replace_html function. We pass it the HTML tag we'd like to replace, along with a function returning the replacement HTML.

main = Pages.collect [
    Pages.files ["posts/*.md", "*.md"]
    |> Pages.from_markdown
    |> Pages.wrap_html layout,
    |> Pages.replace_html "list-of-posts" list_of_posts!

list_of_posts! = \_ -> Html.text "coming soon!"

To avoid needing to manually write individual links to our blog posts we can use the list! function. It takes a pattern matching some source files and returns information about those files. Let's use it to create a list of links that will automatically update when we add a blog post.

list_of_posts! = \_ ->
    posts =
        Pages.list! "posts/*"
        |> List.sortWith \a, b -> Num.compare a.meta.order b.meta.order

    links = List.map posts \post ->
        Html.li {} [
                { href: post.path }
                [Html.text post.meta.title],

    Html.ul {} links

Notice that we sorted the posts based on a order property in the metadata. For that to work we'd need to add such a property to the frontmatter of each blog post:

# posts/having-fun-with-jay.md

    title: "Having Fun with Jay",
    order: 2,

We now have a very basic blog. We can improve our blog in many ways, some of which are discussed in other sections of this guide. We'll conclude this blog example with a look at how we can publish the result of our work.